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Fuel PHP Models inside module

  • FIXED I got it, sorry for this post. It seems I had to extend Orm\Model and not \Model.
    I made some mistakes while reading the documents and confused things with one and other..
    Hi Again.. I got my modules working and want to play with FuelPHP's models.
    However I really can't get it to work, tried multiple things for however to no result. The module name is Admin and I have a model called object types:
    namespace Admin;
    use \Orm\Model;
    class Model_Objecttypes extends \Model
        protected static $_table_name = 'objects_types';
     protected static $_properties = array(
            'id', // both validation & typing observers will ignore the PK
            'name' => array(
                'data_type' => 'varchar',
                'label' => 'Name',
                'validation' => array('required'),
                'form' => array('type' => 'text'),
                'default' => 'Nieuw object',
            'slug' => array(
                'data_type' => 'varchar',
                'label' => 'Gender',
                'form' => array('type' => 'text'),
                'validation' => array('required'),

    When using the model for example trying to get a db record in the objecttypes controller:
    namespace Admin;
    class Controller_Objecttypes extends Controller_Base
      * The basic welcome message
      * @access  public
      * @return  Response
     public function action_index()
      $entry = \Admin\Model_Objecttypes::find(2);
      // return the rendered HTML to the Request
                    return \View::forge('objecttypes/index', $this->views)->render();

    I receive the message: ErrorException [ Error ]: Call to undefined method Admin\Model_Objecttypes::find() Now I assumed that using an ORM (never did that before) the method "find" would be a part of the ORM which leads me to think that extending \Model failed, but if that was true I would receive an error message saying so. So my question, what am I doing wrong?

Howdy, Stranger!

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