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Template parser?
  • Has anyone created a template parser for fuel? I like Dwoo but I'm having trouble integrating it with fuel packages because I'm unfamiliar with PHP namespaces and how fuel packages work in general. I know a parser isn't something that is completely necessary but I like giving users the ability to modify views without PHP knowledge and also limiting the functions they can use.
  • I have a half finished Parser package which will be available to download and install when it is done. It will be driver based, and one of those drivers (the default) will be SimpleTags. :)
  • @phil - any idea when your parser package will be complete?
  • It's not yet complete, but a long way along: It won't be in 1.0 final though, should become part of Fuel with v1.1.
  • I've been using Dan's SimpleTags for that: I think we should make a core class out of it but that hasn't been decided yet.
  • YES a core class. With an implementation of simpletags or some sort it would be easier to use tpl files.

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