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Thoughts, ideas, random notes, ramblings...

Anything about PHP in general, and FuelPHP in particular. Sometimes serious, sometimes with a big wink. But always with a message. Do you have an opinion about an article? Don't forget to comment!

1.x development

A quick introduction to some new ORM adtitions, soft delete and temporal/revisions.

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Not too long ago I wrote a short article about FuelPHP and Composer.

Today I can announce that we have decided to use the current 1.6/develop branch as a composer test-bed, and will gradually replace existing core functionality by composer packages.

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There is a lot of discussion going on about PSR-1, Composer, Packagist packages, and whether or not FuelPHP supports or will support this. With this blog post I will try to make it clear where FuelPHP stands in terms of Composer, how you can use it now, and how it's going to be used in the future.

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